We ship worldwide, even in crisis situations

While golfers around the world are checking daily if they’d be allowed to golf again anytime soon, we clearly understand the severity of the situation. Golf is a sport and there are truly more important things to life than golf right now… not many though.

For those of you now experienced online shoppers, you might want to check our online store, too. There are some cool shirts, hoodies and tank tops to be found there—legit street-cred golf apparel. For more off the course than on it.

But we keep fingers crossed you’re allowed back to play rather sooner than later. Keep safe and healthy.

Big Spring/Summer 2019 shop update

New season, new handicap, new clothes? At least it’s time to adjust here and there, we believe.

We updated our shop quite a bit and will continue to do so over the next weeks. Please check the store and see if we have something you might like. Focus is on modern, street-cred apparel such as T-shirts, long sleeves, tank tops, hoodies, etc.

There are items for men and women, some you could wear on a golf course, some which you better should not, and most come with a more or less meaningful pearl of golf-related wisdom on the front side. Others might call it golf nonsense… we say, it’s a statement and golf fans will understand.


You can easily find the Golficiency store here:


Golficiency is a non-profit blog, so everything we earn, will directly be re-invested in new golf items or travels in order to keep the blog content going.

New items in the shop!

shirt_itscoolnowSome of you might have realised that Golficiency has re-activated its shop and even added some new items to the list. There’s plenty more to come over the next weeks! So stay tuned!

So in case you want to express your love for golf to the outer world (e.g. friends, family or co-workers), then you’ll definitely find something in the shop to do so. It’s open 24/7 and offers high quality and quick delivery. Payment is super-simple via credit cards or PayPal.

Feel free to browse through, there are different colours available for most designs, just to match your own style. All are golf related, and there is stuff for men and women.

The displayed shirt “It’s cool now to play golf”, you can find here. In general you can reach the store via shop.golficiency.com or via the link in the menu.