Ball marker of the day. A new category on Golficiency

It sounds pretty lame, granted, but what I try to achieve here is not putting on display some boring plastic ball markers but rather showing off with some pretty outstanding pieces of coins from all parts of the world, be it of low or actually high value.

Years ago, when my grand-dad passed away, I inherited his collection of coins. It wasn‘t a huge collection per se, but it showed this man had some serious interest in the hobby and accumulated some nice pieces after all the yeard that went into the collection.

Inspired by my grand-dad I also acquired some nice pieces as well as collected some during the various trips me and my family did in the last years, and I indeed got ahold some really interesting coins.

Instead of putting everything in a dull folder and get it out only occasional, I figured why not combine this with my biggest hobby and use these coins as ball markers during golf rounds. Through that they actually have a new value and maybe create some interest amongst yourselves. It‘s at least something I like doing from now on.

The new section „Ball marker“ you can find here.

Back to (golf) life!

Every now and then there is something that comes to an end. For good. Then there are the things that pause, for some reason, and later resume, again for a good reason.

The latter is what is supposed to happen here.

Once golf was my focus, next to work. Then there was my wife, my first kid, and quite recently a new baby. This all shifts focus obviously, makes blurry what was clear in the past. And it all falls into a time period which is so unusual and unpredictable in my generation that one thinks twice what really matters in life. A global pandemic can indeed bring people closer together, create some clarity on what‘s important and what‘s just clutter.

Family will always be in focus, work will too and so is the health for the whole bunch. All the rest has to stand in line. And then there are these windows of time, of possibilities, of opportunities. Some are educational, some are cultural, many are leisure and some are sportive.

Long story short, I will try to make more room for golf again. I will deliver for my family, will continue my career and at the same time will strive for excellence in this beautiful sport. I know this demands time, an asset I might not have as much as before, but that only makes me more focussed, really pinpoints me on efficiency.

And it indeed closes a circle. „Golficiency is golf proficiency with German efficiency“, I wrote a decade ago. Now more than ever.

There will be more of this coming. So stay tuned.

New Golficiency Service: The Golf Travel Advisor

This is the beginning of a new category of articles and posts which will, quite irregular to start with, surface here on Golficiency.

Over the years of golf travel and golf travel preparation, I was a keen collector of travel ideas and hence created quite a substantial golf bucket list. It grew longer and longer. So long that it’s easy to snip here and there and build a neat little golf trip around it.

As my list consists of international courses of all sorts, it should be relevant and interesting for a broad spectrum of golf enthusiasts, just like you!

I traveled for golf and I traveled with golf — and I’m sure you appreciate as well some well investigated golf course, travel and suitable accomodation information to have you all prepared for a great golf break with your partner, your mates or your family.

Could there be anything better than golf travel; get around the world, see new places, meet new people, play the best golf courses and stay at fantastic hotels and resorts? … See, there you have it! Nothing beats a great golf trip. Well, almost nothing.

Stay tuned for some great articles coming your way. Make sure to follow Golficiency on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to not miss a thing.

How COVID-19 has us by our golf balls

I’m not telling you any news when I say the world turned upside down couple of weeks ago when the Coronavirus hit the world hard and literally everybody on this globe was somehow affected by the COVID-19 disease and the respective actions by the various governments to avoid it from spreading.

You could argue the actions are crazy, but honestly I believe the people all over the place are doing quite a job in social distancing and flattening that damn curve to do everything in their hands for the greater good.

Experts tell us this is the only way to treat this horror and I tend to acknowledge they are correct. Restaurants are closed, pedestrian areas or city centers are empty like never before, and sports facilities and events are closed or cancelled.

This again has direct impact on all the golf-loving creatures out there, to which I count myself – and probably you too. I haven’t swung a golf club in 4 months and this time around would be my season ramp up for the first tournaments of the year. The weather has been awesome lately and sure I’d be on the course every time possible (considering family and all the other hobbies…)

But I can’t. Golf is closed, tournaments cancelled, the season pretty much postponed. Which is a pity as I had a) a great plan what to do this year (courses, resorts, tests, trips, etc.) and b) big hopes in terms of my handicap in getting that thing in the singles.

Anyway, this is not gonna happen anytime soon. This spring, this summer, this fall will all be pretty much different from all the others in the past. And still this is a first-world problem.

Live with it, let it sink, digest it and then keep fingers crossed everybody in your family, your loved ones, neighbors, friends and other are staying healthy and fine. I wish you all a great deal of happiness during these crazy times.

Stay safe, stay at home, stay alone for some time and look forward to the good times which clearly are just around the corner.

See you on the golf course, folks!

Sun come out, let‘s get going

The year 2019 is two months old, Germany and basically the most part of Europe is cold, rainy and unpredicatable. It’s time we see some major improvements in the temperature!

Some golf nuts are already practising for the new season, some courses opened their summer greens and more or less everybody is waiting for the spring and summer time to get out on a more regular basis and play.

I don’t know about you, I need sunshine for a round I enjoy.

This picture shows Kronberg Golf und Land Club, the club house, hotel and restaurant of a local club, where I tend to play once or twice a year. And it gets me into golf mood every time I pass the big entrance gates of the property – longing for better weather to kick off the golf season 2019.

Re-activation and re-connection

This blog has been pretty silent over the last year which I actually feel a little ashamed of. The reason for the golf absence, at least in the blog writing fashion, has mainly to do with the fact that I became father to a beautiful baby girl, which I admire over the moon.

So priorities have shifted, the day work is important, the baby deserves a lot of time, my wife gets her share of my time without question, then I have another big online project running, read a lot, we have a house which takes some time, friends, family, hobbies and last but not least, playing golf.

Sounds like an apology? It is one, truth be told. But priorities do shift, and there is no such thing as bad behaviour for a blog that is absolutely free. I’m not even sure if somebody actually missed me, missed my golf stories or my golf pictures. Especially because Golficiency is quite active on Facebook and Instagram.

Long story short, over the winter months, I will try to create more content for my audience. Golficiency was founded in the off-season to stay in touch with the game, and it will be re-activated in the (European) off-season.

Happy reading!

Anniversary ceremonies. 5 years Golficiency in the books


Feels like yesterday but in reality it’s already 5 years ago that Golficiency was founded and saw the light of day. The blog was born into the world with its siblings on Facebook, Twitter, Instragram, Tumblr, Youtube, Vimeo and Pinterest – well equipped to tackle the golf world with interesting features, reports, reviews and pictures. 5 years of playing, writing, examining, posting, following, reacting, communicating, bonding and dreaming in the golfing world. We love the game so much, we can’t get enough of it.

There are plenty of ideas on the table but the limiting factor unfortunately is time. As this is just a non-profit side job of a married man with a full-time job in Finance, there are clearly limitations to expanding. But after all, I’m happy with the outcome so far. There are more likes and followers joining every day, more readers on a daily basis and it fills me with great pride to see that Golficiency truly has a global reach, with readers in Thailand, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, the United States, South Korea and all across Europe.

Thanks for your interest and support and thanks for following for more years to come.

Alexander Rose

Construction site ahead. The website under review

webseite screengrab

After the relaunch of the website in March this year, there wasn’t much happening in terms of visuals, new features or new stuff in the shop. No excuse but that was mainly because of serious time constraint on my side. I still have some very good ideas in mind and noted down and as winter is approaching, I’m sure I’ll find the time to work on the website more than recently. I know I owe you a decent webpage with regular content.

As a first start, I changed the menu structure today and added a new featured picture on the homepage (Extra points for you if you know which course this is). As there will be more focus on course reviews, equipment tests and travel reports on the blog in the future, there are three new prominent buttons to have the visitor find his way better.

As I said, there are more interesting things on the way. Hope you are checking by from time to time. And please be reminded you can sign in for the email notification service. Just scroll down and click the “Follow” button if you haven’t already. Easy.

Blog re-launch in progress


You might have realised it already, Golficiency is currently undertaking a full re-launch of the website. This includes a complete new corporate design, new logo, new colours, new website structure, new features, new content and loads of stuff which will be introduced in the coming weeks.

What you see now is something I would consider is a soft-launch as it is not final yet, but I hope the switch is not overly confusing. Please check again as more and more content will be provided in due course.

I do hope you like what you see. Please report problems with the website.